Healing Harp Music


Harps of Hope: Music As Medicine Program

Harp music has graced the halls of healing for millennia!

Cynthia received her training from the Irish Harp College, under Dr. Janet Harbison, to deliver the Celtic “three musics” of human emotion: joy, sadness and sleep.

The harp’s ancient tradition of comforting the sick and suffering endures in practice today.

Since 1988, Cynthia has delivered prescriptive music in hospice, hospital, infusion and home-visit environments; serving patients, their families and care team, in a variety of cases.

The quiet power of her music brings consolation to difficult moments for patients, loved ones and carers.

Healing harp music at the bedside is a live acoustic, intimate, compassionate service, scheduled by appointment.

909.861.6760  eMail








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